Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mrs. Clinton A Winner?

I am watching with bemused satisfaction the Democratic Primary debacle.

The Democrats have always been a party of losers (look at Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, John Kerry, Walter Mondale, the list is truly endless) who were generally nice people. I think John Kerry may not be in the nice guy category, but he is close.

The Clinton's are the one Democratic anomaly to nice. They are power hungry, and do not care who they step on to get to their heights of power. The Clinton's and Richard Nixon would be good cellmates as they debated who was the better person to be in control of the Government, they would argue and rant so much their time would go by fast.

I'm always nervous of people who can lie directly to your face, and really want their lie to be true. I honestly believe that when Mr. and Mrs. Clinton lie they truly believe they are doing good.

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton have this belief that they are truly the ONLY ones qualified to be in control of the Government. It looks like they would love to be the King and Queen. I have never, in my life, seen two more power hungry people than these two. You have to go back to the Roman times to see this type of Political ambition.

When they were in the White House it was the most corrupt administration since Nixon's. Even Mr. Nixon never stooped to what these people did, he was power hungry and very elitist, but truly only wanted to know what others were talking about so he could appear to be an all-knowing twisted Father figure to the whole Government.

The Clinton's used their time in the White House to party until dawn, amass a personal fortune they previously said they didn't have, steal Government gifts, trash the Presidents Airplane and offices at the White House, and generally make the Untied States a laughingstock of the World's stage.

Remember guys, before 9/11, the World thought we had gone soft and didn't care about attacks on our own. Bin Laden's crowd thought Americans were more concerned about their big houses, and comfortable lifestyle, than National security. With Clinton he was right, because the Clinton's had no idea what National Security was.

They were two power hungry people, who did well in Universities and thought they knew what the Country needed because of their reading about what may work in a social sense. In a military sense they were totally inadequate in understanding and instincts.

Then, to top it off they chose people as advisors who were on the fringes of the Military, so it went without saying that they couldn't get a voice in the Pentagon until they appointed their own left-leaning Generals who would listen to their dictates.

Without Mr. Bush in the White House, someone who is strong on National Defense, we would have been attacked at least four or five more times in the last eight years, the last attack was the World Trade Center trajedy.

After this trajedy, he determined to take on these Terrorists, even though he knew it would be wildly unpopular after a couple of years. He shouldn't have to go out as a bad President, he has kept the Country safe and devoid of the label as soft. Now people label him as a bully, or war monger, but history will show that he was meeting the threat he was faced with. Radical Islamist's only have rhetoric to persuade people of their agenda.

They have used this strength in rhetoric to persuade weak minded people that America is a bully. I would remind everyone that Mr. Bush is only responding to attacks on the Nation he represents. His lasting legacy is, he has seen this fight through. There have been terrorist plots uncovered and stopped, but no more attacks since the first one. His resolve has made him one of the best Presidents of all time, even though people call him the worst right now. History will prove the naysayers of today wrong.

If Mr. Clinton was in the White House when the Towers were bombed what do you think he would have done?

There is some history to go by. On Mr. Clinton's watch we were attacked five times by Terrorists that I can recall. These being the Cole, the two attacks in Africa, and the first World Trade Center bombing. What was done when these Terrorists attacked with ferocity against us? What was done when Osama Bin Laden was in sites of the American Military and could have been taken out? What was done when Afghanistan was taken captive by the Taliban?

All of the answers to these are a resounding condemnation of Clintonian politics. 'Ol Bubba would look at the polls and see if it was Politically expedient to take care of these problems. He found the public was unaware of the problems and chose to keep everyone in the dark about the problems which were arising in the world.

When Mrs. Clinton says that only she has the experience necessary to get the job done in the White House. I would like to remind her that the decisions do not come from poll taking, they come from Intelligence, personal principles, and a desire to do whats right for the country. If she was elected, the Country would immediately be vulnerable again to Terrorists and their threats.

To prove the Clintons lack of action, here are some of the quotes from a White Paper the President and Congress had in it's possession in 1998. They knew what was happening, but failed to act time and time again.

The web address is here White Papers on Osama

The decision about whether to use American forces could not be authorized at the Justice Department: it could only be decided at the presidential level. Within the internal governmental debate, some argued that spilling American blood to arrest Bin Laden would have been a Pyrrhic victory if, at the end of the legal process, Bin Laden would eventually walk in the event of an acquittal. Others argued that a commando style arrest operation should be aggressively pursued. And others argued against any action at all.

That decision was up to the President and his foreign policy advisors. According to knowledgeable sources, the President opted to pursue a two-track policy: preparations for a commando extrication team would be authorized territorial insertion into Afghanistan, while at the same time, the Administration would try to get the Taliban to cooperate in forcing the surrender of Bin Laden to the United States. In mid-April of this year, Bill Richardson, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, was dispatched to Afghanistan and Pakistan to negotiate with the Taliban for the handing over of Bin Laden. Discussions with key Taliban officials in the United Nations and with other visiting Taliban officials had proved to be encouraging. Some factions in the Taliban wanted to elicit American goodwill to end its international isolation and prosecute American investment and technology. At the same time that Richardson went to Afghanistan and Pakistan, American military and counter terrorist teams were secretly sent to Peshawar, in the event that the commando operation were launched or a hand-over of Bin Laden were facilitated by the Taliban.

In Pakistan and Afghanistan, rumors of the U.S. counter terrorist force abounded throughout the press and media. Obviously exaggerated, reports of "one-thousand men commando teams" sent in to arrest Bin Laden appeared in Pakistani papers. In several interviews, Bin Laden himself declared that he was the target of American commando teams, but scoffed at the notion that he would ever be captured.

In the end, Ambassador Richardson failed in persuading the Taliban to hand over Bin Laden. Although he showed them some of the evidence revealing Bin Laden's direct hand in international terrorism, the Taliban would not play ball. Bin Laden would remain a protected "guest" of the Taliban, although they said that he would not be allowed to carry out activities against the interests of the Taliban. As for the possibility of a direct commando-style operation, strategies deemed the operational difficulties and risks too high and the possibility of a surprise operation too low for any chance of success.

The U.S. Prosecutors, the FBI, and the U.S. National Security apparatus would have to return to the proverbial drawing board in devising new ways to arrest Bin Laden. As the grand jury continued efforts to build a stronger case against Bin Laden, his devastation was visited upon the United States by the two simultaneous bombings of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania where more than 200 people were killed. On August 20, the United States struck bask, launching cruise missiles at Bin Laden's camps in Khost, Afghanistan and the Al Shifa pharmaceutical plants in Khartoum, Sudan."

"It had been more than five years since Bin Laden had come under government security immediately following the World Trade Center bombing on February 26, 1993. Bin Laden's name came up as one of the associates of Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman and as the financial backer of the Martyr Azzam Hostel in Peshawar where Ramzi Yousef had stayed. Bin Laden's name, along with names of more than 118 others (plus the Sudanese mission to the United States), was included on a list, distributed by federal prosecutors, of potential unindicted co-conspirators.

On one level, the efforts to unravel Bin Laden's empire struck an erie parallel with the efforts of the prosecutors in 1993 to unravel the jihad terrorist organization secretly operated by Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman. Then, as now, prosecutors painstakingly revisited and reexamined existing documents and materials in their possession in the belated realization that they possessed some of the answers to their questions but were unable to see how the pieces had fit together. In 1993, immediately following the World Trade Center bombing, federal prosecutors and FBI agents reexamined raw materials, documents, and data they had collected since the assassination of right-wing Rabbi Meir Kahane by El Sayyid Nosair in November 1990 and the murder (still unsolved) of the fundamentalist head of the Al Kifah office in Brooklyn, Mustapha Shalabi, in February 1991. Although it was too late to prevent the bombing, the boxes of material seized from Nosair's apartment following his arrest in 1990 contained the very seeds of the World Trade Center explosion. In 1993, the same materials seized in 1990 were found to be a road map to the jihad conspiracy in the United States of the previous three years.

So while Mr. Bin Laden was holed up in Afghanistan plotting, training, and recruiting people to kill Americans. Mr. Clinton listened to his advisors and the misinformed public will, and basically did nothing.

This is a view of what Americas new foreign Policy will look like under the Democrats.

People are critical of the Republican Administrations that supposedly made Bin Laden into what he is, or financed him. What they fail to see is, those administrations were fighting against the threat of the day. If those same people were fighting this threat then they would overcome it.

The Clinton Democratic machine only thinks about it's own survival, this is it's biggest downfall to National security. Thankfully the democrats have spent too much time in the Clinton's shadows and want to be out now. I congratulate the Democrats on not electing another small minded, power hungry Clinton.

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