Friday, May 2, 2008

My take on American Politics

I am thinking that American politics has to be the most frustrating thing in the world.

There are two candidates who have got to be the weakest ever in the history of the Democrat party, and all I hear is how strong they are.

I do know that November will tell if the candidate is strong or not, but c'mon, they are running against a man who is a hero, but is also old enough to be in the who's who of people that watched the first nuclear explosion in Arizona.

I am a conservative, but everyone knows that after eight years, usually people want a different party.

Thankfully for conservatives, the Dumb Democrats (I did use the unsophisticated word dumb) chose a women who can't tell the truth because she doesn't know what it is, even if it is staring her in the face (YOU LOST! GET OUT), and a man whose ambition has always dictated where and what he did in life.

Don't get me wrong, ambition is essential, but when you stay at a radical church because you surmise the people there can fulfill your aspirations (see Oprah), rather than pay attention to the radical idealism of those around you, or if you make the conscious choice to duck out on votes which will define your ideology one way or another, you may need to reign in your 'Ambition' for higher things, and allow your own self to take over and be shone for what it is. It would be refreshing if Barack Obama could be a guy who was more than someone who could 'give good speeches'.

If you aren't known for who you are, your ambition will eventually catch up to you. Remember Barack, not everyone is a weak-willed liberal who wants to 'believe'.

Most of us are cynical, negative thinking first, people who will see right through that ambition and the posturing it forces people like you to do, in order to justify it's actions.

That old phrase of speaking out of both sides of your mouth comes to mind when i hear Mr. Obama. Archaic, yes I know, but old is usually better (Right John).

When your Barack Obama, speaking out of both sides of your mouth means; telling far-left people in San Francisco one thing, then centrist Pennsylvanians something totally different about the same issue. It also means explaining to Fox News one way you think you believe, then telling CNN something entirely opposite again on the same topic, and for good measure come up with a third spin for MSNBC as well.

Bowing to the people who are in front of you to get their nods of acquiescence, may make you feel your in control, but it only shows your lack of substance.

Speaking out of both sides of your mouth also means saying things like;

"I can no more disown him, than I can my own Uncle"

Or "he is my teacher, friend, and confidant"

Then contradict yourself and say "he was never my spiritual mentor, he was only my 'Pastor'" (like people are supposed to just know by osmosis, what that means)


"I sat in the Church, he doesn't tell me how to think, nor did I gain much from him"

Barack Obama is a Godsend for us conservatives, it is true. I know the Liberal Media wants everyone to say something different, but I take a cue from my mom. She is a 65 year-old died in the wool Chicago Democrat (those from Illinois will understand what I mean).

She said and I quote
"I don't trust the b******d. Nope I don't trust him."

She has picked the last six Presidencies. A little background on my mom, she has no interest in politics, but being from Chicago she has instincts and a mouth which spouts out its opinions (good or bad).

I never had top ask for her prognostications they always flowed. Here they are as I recall them.

The pretty boy but lying SOB Ronny will win re-election

Bush 1, the panty-waist, will win because of his whining.

Clinton is a handsome hillbilly, he will definitely win.

Clinton is a cheatin sob, but will win because of his economy, thank God.

Duh' Bush 2 will win because of his Oil money.

She actually liked Bush the second time around (it amazed me), she said nothing derogatory, but stated simply, "he does what he says he will do."

Now this election I have very little quotes except the one previous shared. After all of the history I have seen, her hatred of Barack Obama makes me think, we as conservatives have it made.

We aren't looking at another White House filled with ex-hippie feel-good, no brain ideologues.

Nor will we have a judge like Janet Reno on the Supreme Court. It can all change in November but I will hold onto my hope until the end.

Besides it does my heart good to hear all of these Liberals bashing their own. Keep it up.

Mr. McCain can keep the seat warm for the next Republican to break the barriers of color and gender, the Miss. Condoleeza Rice.

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