Thursday, May 8, 2008

I hope everyone watched the speeches given by the two Democratic Presidential nominees. One was a victory speech and the other was a desperate attempt at saving face.

Barack Obama, is the democratic nominee. He has proven this by winning the most races; having the most delegates, and having the lead in the all important popular vote.

One thing this has proved is, the Democratic primary system is in need of revamping, there are way too many holes in the system. The system does not allow for who is the best candidate, but who has the best plan (or most money) in each county. It's a broken system and disenfranchises voters.

Because of the system, Hillary Clinton cannot come close to Mr Obama, unless he makes a major mistake in the next few month's. It could happen, they could set him up with some women to create a scandal, but I doubt it. He is too intelligent to get caught now, and he has way too much ambition to give in to any set up.

I need to say it, Hillary needs to GET OUT! It's over.

She says how she cares about the DNC. How she wants the best for her country. If this was the case, she would allow the Democrats to heal their wounds and get on with the general election.

Instead, she remains, railing against policies she says are different from hers, what she fails to realize is, people know that her and Obama's policies are basically the same.

They each use different words to make their points, but they are the same points, health care, get out of Iraq, get rid of Bush, raise taxes, get rid of Bush, and get rid of Bush.

Hillary is smart enough to realize her and Obama are cut from the same cloth. If she had any character at all she would have left the race long ago, and explain how amazing it would be to have the first African American President.

Instead, she does what has been done since the Clinton's have become central to Democratic politics. Never give up power, try to use any means necessary to secure the power you can. Its about getting to the position, not HOW you got there. She has a single minded purpose to become President for the power alone.

If she really believed the things she talks about, she would step aside and allow Mr. Obama to try and secure the support of the Nation against an American hero.

Instead, just like her husband did before her, she continues to 'fight' no matter the reasons why. I wish she would just GO AWAY!

I had my fill of the Clinton's when they stole from the White House, and left the plane in a shambles. To me the Clinton's are the lowest form of politician there is, this is a very low person I assure you.

Not everyone in politics do as they do. Some graciously give up, because they know it's the right thing to do, or they are just smart enough to realize it's foolish to waste any more money.

Look at the Republican primary as an example. McCain wasn't definitely going to win, it was s till a fight. Why did Mitt Romney give up, because it was the right thing to do (moneywise and integrity). It wasn't some right-wing ploy. He was being an honest businessman, who realized he would have had a hard time winning. I give him the kudo's.

Bill Richardson was another person who set aside his ambition to see that the cards were stacked against him. He could've hung on and made some difference, but he was honest and forthright with himself and his supporters.

Hillary Clinton however, wants to be President beyond common sense, party affiliation, or even good business sense. She wants the power of the Presidency and will never believe she can't have it, even when the people (insert voters here) tell her she can't have it.

It's a normal thing to see from this Clinton machine. It's ugly and wrapped in a power crazed couple, who believe they are above everything from personal integrity to voter desires.

I am having fun watching the Clinton's implode any kind of good will the American public holds for them. Bill is finally becoming known as the scoundrel he is. He is very intelligent and had a way with the ladies, but as a statesman and leader he was and is woefully inadequate. If it wasn't for two hapless candidates who ran against him, the Republicans would have been in power from the 80's until now.

We will see how it plays out, I just wish Hillary would cry, and say she lost to a better person, but she will never be able to do that. Her ego is way to big. Also, her intelligence is only centered in how she can get power.

Good Luck Mr. Obama you will need it.


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