Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Barack and Hillary, or is it Hillary and Barack? A Dream Ticket?

I have to laugh when I think of Barack Obama and Hillary's political machine as a dream ticket. The Republicans are smiling (as I am) to think how disjointed and cumbersome the meetings between the two would be.

Think about a meeting between these two. You have on one side of the table Barack and his consortium of advisors. He will have his chest stuck out, furiously chewing his nicorette while telling Hillary how small minded she really is, and how his campaign strategy is the best.

Hillary will listen intently with her eyebrows raising as he makes mistakes she knows she can nail him with (she will smile to herself thinking how he is no longer in a Law class feeding rhetoric to open minded students, but in a closed door meeting with the quintessential Political mind of this age).

When he finishes his speech (which is all he is good for), she will smile her condescending smile, and then point out every thing he said wrong. Of course this pointing out time will take at least two hours, as he will continually interrupt her to explain what he meant by his misstatements, which will cause him to leave himself open for more corrections by Hillary and her crew, thus making her (at least in her own eyes) the leader of the discussion.

After about two or three hours into this strategy meeting, they will finally talk about John McCain and how evil he is, mainly because he is a Republican. The statement of him being evil, will be enough, in and of itself to end the meeting, with this 'dream ticket' smiling smugly, regarding themselves as a close team, and a shoo in for the Presidency.

After the meeting, they will both go their separate ways, and campaign on their three strategies the Republicans never would (thus highlighting their differences from the 'Bush Party'). Each will campaign like they invented these issues.

One will be Government run Health care (something most Americans like the idea of, but realize later can never happen because of it's fundamental difference with Capitalism).

The second issue will be a Federally run school system, they use different words, but the jist of what they are saying is they want to take control away from the States, as they never listen to the federal government anyway. Never mind that the federal government has no idea what it will take to run a school system which encompasses over 100 million kids.

The third issue, is pulling out from Iraq so the Iraqi's can fend for themselves and use their own money to establish their democracy. Even though the Iraqi's are a brand new Democracy, in an old world theocratic society battling through their own type of civil war. Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton would allow them to figure out how it works themselves, their whole argument hinges on the pop culture statement of 'they just want our money'. While everyone knows we should keep it to ourselves.

All three of these points, Mr. McCain can defeat easily in a debate. The only problem that I see for Mr. McCain is staying healthy if he becomes the President, a campaign with Mutt and Jeff will be taxing. The Presidency is also something that a 70 year-old wouldn't be applying for normally, but this year with such a weak field (Democrat and Republican) he is the strongest there is.

The "Dream Ticket" the Democrats will laud, is lacking in credibility, electability. Hillary and Barack are only popular amongst a select few demographics, these being Black Voters, women, the new voters Barack's rock star quality has brought in, and the no war group. Are these demographics big enough, we will see.

There is the fact the Republicans have been in the White House for 8 years, and because of this, there should be a 1 to 3 percent change for the Democrats in independent voters. The question remains however, can these two reasons carry States such as Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Nevada).

I hope Mr. Obama does pick Hillary as a running mate, it will make for a fun election. I doubt he will, because as she touts her 18,000,000 votes in the primary. She fails to see Rush Limbaugh ditto heads can account for at least five to six million of those votes, and the rest is because she went into a 20 million dollar hole to campaign hard at the end, while Mr. Obama chose to be a gentleman and allow her to run free and unfettered.

She should have stopped campaigning months ago, but because of her ego she stayed in for reasons of her own. I believe she knows after this swan song, she will fail to be relevant, and cannot believe that internally, so has to continue.

Barack Obama knows these facts, and realizes her 'strength's' are much weaker than a legitimate 18 million. Hopefully, the General Election will be focused on these two's mistakes, their lack of judgment, and overall dishonesty, as it has been in the Primary.

If this happens, then I can see Mr. McCain becoming the oldest maverick ever to reach the White House, not because of his overall ability, but because he is the sane choice.

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